「 Tuesday, October 13, 2009 」
Last week was one of the most awesome week for me. Didn't had time to blog anything for awhile, since i'm a little free now, i shall do it. (:
Firstly, Happy 2nd Month Baby! (: yup, took leave to celebrated our 2nd month together @ je swimming complex, really had fun there, though we like wasted money on our floats. ha! Glad you had fun too. (: but still got burn-ed pretty badly on my back. At least now you don't look so tanned with me girl. ha! But, we forgotten to take any photos there, sad. Nevermind, next time alright? After that, we went to have our dinner @ pepper lunch. Freaking nice la, my second time dining in there. Didn't know must stir fast, end up the below chaota & yup, she laughed at me. -.- haha! We when to catch a movie after that, "Chance of some meat balls shit?" LOL! forgot the name. Freaking lamely nice movie, overall not bad at all. Worth watching. Home Sweet Home after that. (: Thanks for the cards and the little gifts baby, hope you enjoy my little thoughts too. Love you!(: Shall upload pics when i got the time. Maybe. haa
Secondly, yeah! i passed my TP! woo~ i can drive around without restrictions. LOL! went out for a spin with my buds, Andee, YP, Bun & Ty on sunday to Jalan Kayu. Supper of cause. (: Andee, first to sit my car ah, i better be the first too. HA! Was awesomely fun i guess. For me? Driving for the first time without my bro or dad was like a different feeling. No one to remind me of anything, good thing was, we didn't really got lost, except for the "ehh, try the GPS la." XD end up turning one big round. LOL! prata was like... -.- but the company was great. Andee's treat. Thanks bro. HA! We have another soon yeah? when andee pass, maybe. ha! Then ty say wanna treat right? (: Till then...
Music stuck in my head!
소년이여 by G-Dragon
「 Monday, August 03, 2009 」
It's been a while since i blogged yeap. Blogging in school now. HA! Seriously, time-tighted with countless of sleepless nights. The past one month has been a rollercoaster riding for me, having the feeling of gain things and losing it the next second. Somehow, i really wish and hope that everything is as true as it seems at that point of time. Even now, sometimes i will still wonder. I'm sorry for thinking this way yeah. Things that happen were just nothing i expected, nightmare? /: but i really hope you would be the one changing this thinking of mine. I dont want you to keep feeling the way that you do now k? Thanks for those assurance and promises. Everything takes time yea? I want you to be happy, like the way you want me too. (:
Anyway, i would like to thank a friend, a brother & someone who is always there for me. Thanks for the understanding and trust yea, through those hard times, those doubts in the last months. Our friendship has became stronger yea! (: Yup, more outings, more outings. dont always say me girlgirlgirl la. you also. haha! :P Yeap, things will always be for the better. Andee think positive alright?(:
hmm, i guess i'll end here. maybe upload some photos when i get home? maybe~ ha! laters. (:
Music stuck in my head!
Pda (We don't care) by John Legend
*missing the little one who is doing her exam. (::
「 Tuesday, June 16, 2009 」
i will not be able to take my TP tomorrow, becos of my bloody driving instructor! Wanna know who? ask me. !#$%^&*(), man im piss! Here am i having no car to drive tomorrow, there he is having his holiday some where in shitland. WTH! worst still no instructors that he intro wanna take me last minute. And he can off phone! New intructors are even a bigger joke, scared i bang their new car into a tree. WTH? Argh! Im so filled with.... Argh! lol! hmm, nevermind. Probably, it's for the better. sigh.
On the brighter side of things...

Yeah! OB-77 siol. Printing the designs soon i guess?(which i wouldnt show yet)
& Collabo-ing with Jacky's blogshop opening? probably if everything goes well.
hmm, Just say it's gonna be Dope! (:
I hope. HA!
Music stuck in my head!
The Climb by Miley Cyrus'
「 Thursday, June 04, 2009 」
It's been awhile, since i last logged in. It's in fact, very long! lol!
been pretty busy lately, since attachement started i did not really got to rest.
It's my 3rd year in polytechnic already. Time really flies, at that time i would not even think that i will go to any other poly expect ngee ann poly. In the end i end up in nanyang poly due to my laziness of not wanted to appeal. ha! probably for the better? i got into foreign bodies which changed the way i looked at life not only to learn dance but i got to see things in a more positive matter. hmm, okay i'll just stop here if not i will rambling on for hours. ha!
But something more recent happen. It's the "Shut Up Boys!" aka SUB!
Consisting of an all guys, a collaboration between Foreign Bodies & TPDE team.
Joined a Anti-smoking Competition organised by breathe.sg @ PS
with 2 other teams from Fbodz.
& we achieved 1st Runner Up! though it's our first attempt together as a team,
Proud you dance with you guys man!
It's was also my first official group competition & i'm satisfied with the result.
Not for the prize, but what we've gone through.
*lalalalala~ lalalalala~ lalalalala~ lala~ la~ lala~
dududududu~ ARGH~!!! LOL!*
gonna miss you guys man!
Hybreed girls got 2nd Runner Up too!
and our very own current batch of seniors, SFS were also in the finals. (:
Great job yea! A good experience for you guys. yup!
Sakura soon! haha~ (:
To end off...
Here's the 'SUB'Crew!
*probably upload the photos with Hybreed & the rest when i'm free (:

-from left to right...
Music stuck in my head!
Strong Baby by Bigbang
「 Thursday, March 19, 2009 」
Hi Guys,
Special Offer is on again!
It is also for my personal selling, so support me ya? (:
*If interested, you can call, msg or email me @ unwiredconcept@hotmail.com
Latest by 24th March.
Thank you.
Important Notes
Last Order: 24 March 2009, before 4pm. (best by 23 March)
Collection: 9 April 2009.

Ritz Apple Strudel Products:
1. Durian/Strawberry Strudel (Half loaf Serves 3-4) - $12.90 (U.P $14.50)
2. Apple/Mango/Peach/Blueberry (Half loaf Serves 3-4) - $10 (U.P $11.20)
3. Durian/Strawberry Strudel (Full loaf Serves 6-8) - $24.90 (U.P $27.50)
4. Apple/Mango/Peach/Blueberry (Full loaf Serves 6-8) - $18.60 (U.P $20.50)
*Please redeem the vouchers at any Ritz Apple Strudel outlets. (All vouchers are valid for 12 months upon date of issue)
*Location Walk-in collection outlets:
- 833 Bukit Timah Road #01-10 Royal Ville (Near Former Turf Club)
Tel: 64693470
- 10 Anson Road #01-76 International Plaza (Near Tanjong Pagar MRT Station)
Tel: 62248216
Reservation Required Outlets:
- 534 North Bridge Road (Behind Bugis Junction)
Tel: 63374381
- 267 Upper Thomson Road (Near Thomson Plaza)
Tel: 64586935

Gelare Products:
1. Pint Tub Ice Cream Voucher (475ml) - $10.80 (U.P $12.80)
2. Double Scoop Ice Cream Voucher - $6.80 (U.P $8.60)
*Please redeem the vouchers at any Gelare Outlets. (All vouchers are valid for redemption until 08 June 09)*
Geláre @ One Fullerton
Geláre @ Causeway Point
Geláre @ Citylink Mall
Geláre @ E!Hub
Geláre @ Far East Plaza Level One
Geláre @ Hougang Mall
Geláre @ Marine Cove (East Coast Park)
Geláre @ Plaza Singapura
Geláre @ Siglap
Geláre @ Sun Plaza
Geláre @ Suntec City Mall
「 Tuesday, March 17, 2009 」
Im back, for another post since ages ago. haha! Just some random thoughts? Just when i wanna blog, my laptop goes down. ha! so using the desktop now. hmm, so my life now seems pretty normal i guess? Had been pretty busy for the last one month in my attachment, which is "Cheers" for those who don't know yet. & with my driving lesson on going @ the same time. Practical dying for a good night sleep which im lacking.
I can say im having fun @ my attachment, just that im having mixed feeling about many stuff around me. hmm, had been missing dance since the end of open-house & many other stuff which i left there half-done. Probably neglected some of my friends around me, causing some misunderstanding between them & me. If it really did, I'm Sorry. Life to me just seems so uncertain. Yep, and i didn't got what i expected to get for EMRS too, for all the work that i done probably gone to waste just becos of my comittements to my CCA. hmm, Stuck in the middle? you can say that again.
Now, Cheers? Hmm~ full commitment to it, work hard & hope for the better. haha! (: So don't ask why im M.I.A-ing, cos i dont know how to answer. ha! Anyway, im having my driving test tomorrow. Gonna be a long day tomorrow. So wish me luck guys!
Ah~ Nervous... (:
Music stuck in my head!
Boom Boom Pow by Black Eyed Peas
*Thanks for the cookie! (: